Monday, December 5, 2011

Tory students burn Barack Obama effigy

Authorities at St Andrews University - where the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge studied and first met - said they were looking into reports of the incident on Friday evening on the town's East Sands beach.

Matthew Marshall, president of the St Andrews Conservative Association, told the BBC: "President Obama is an important ally to the British Government. It was a stupid thing to do and we apologise for any offence caused."

John Park, Labour MSP for Mid Scotland and Fife, whose constituency includes the university said: "This is gravely offensive and way beyond a student prank."

He urged David Cameron and the Conservative Party to take action against the activists responsible.

"Burning an effigy of anyone is offensive, let alone the first black President of the United States. The overtones are deeply unpleasant."

James Mills, a former chairman of the university's Labour society, said it was "disgraceful".

He said: "I can't imagine any other student activists of a major political party would behave in this manner.

"It's disgusting and I hope the Conservative Party and the Prime Minister completely come out and condemn this obscene act."

The BBC reported that the same society had burned effigies of Gordon Brown and Nelson Mandela in the past.

A spokesman for the University of St Andrews said: "We are aware of reports of this incident and have asked to meet the society president to discuss the very understandable concerns which these reports have raised.

"Until that meeting has taken place, it would be inappropriate to make further comment."

St Andrews Students' Union said those who took part in the effigy burning "don't represent St Andrews students".

A statement from the Student Representative Council said: "As students we believe in political debate, with engaging those who disagree with us and that all students at St Andrews have a valid opinion to contribute.

"While it does not violate any laws, we believe that the burning of political or public figures in effigy can be an act of hate, stifles productive engagement and can be offensive.

"We believe that St Andrews students should hold ourselves to a higher standard and actively demonstrate that we are ready to engage with and respect the opinions of others."

Sam Fowles, director of representation at the union, said: "I do not believe this was a racist act but I don't believe that makes it any less disgusting. Student representatives have shown that the vast majority of St Andrews students are much better than this sort of puerile and offensive behaviour."

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