Thursday, December 1, 2011

Tory students to send letter of apology to Barack Obama over effigy burning

Matthew Marshall, president of St Andrews Conservative and Unionist Association, said the incident on Friday evening on the town's East Sands beach was "undoubtedly stupid" and "deeply regretted".

Authorities at the university - where the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge studied and first met - investigated but ruled that the action was not "intentionally racist".

Mr Marshall was summoned and made aware of the university's "very serious concerns". He said the society would write to Mr Obama to apologise.

Mr Marshall said: "The US and President Obama are important allies of the United Kingdom and, on behalf of the whole association, I apologise unreservedly.

"This is undoubtedly a stupid act and it is deeply regretted by all of us in the St Andrews Conservative Association. I will make sure this never happens again.

"I apologise further for any damage this has done to the reputation of the University of St Andrews, or the Scottish Conservative Party."

A university spokesman said: "We are satisfied that, while the actions of the St Andrews Conservative Association in burning an effigy of President Obama were naive and crassly insensitive, they were not intentionally racist.

"This incident, however, has caused very understandable offence and concern to many people, and the university deeply regrets this.

"The University of St Andrews holds a firm belief in the value of political debate and free expression but we expect our students to always treat others with respect.

"The burning of any figure in effigy is an act of violence and intolerance and has no place in our modern, international university.

"We have met the president of the Conservative Association to make him aware of the university's very serious concerns and he has been quick to make an unreserved public apology, and it is correct that he has done so.

"We welcome his assurance that this practice will not be repeated."

John Park, Labour MSP for Mid Scotland and Fife, whose constituency includes the university said: "This is gravely offensive and way beyond a student prank."

He urged David Cameron and the Conservative Party to take action against the activists responsible.

"Burning an effigy of anyone is offensive, let alone the first black President of the United States. The overtones are deeply unpleasant."

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