Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Brightest graduates 'to receive £20k bursaries to teach'

Graduates with first-class honours degrees will be able to claim the most lucrative financial incentives to teach subjects seen as vital to pupils’ future career prospects, such as maths, physics, chemistry, biology and foreign languages.

Students awarded a 2:1 or 2:2 at university will be eligible for smaller bursaries and ministers will refuse to fund teacher training courses for students with third-class degrees.

The plans will be outlined on Tuesday by Michael Gove, the Education Secretary, as part of a sweeping reform of the teacher training system in England.

Under the strategy, student teachers will be expected to display better standards of English and maths before being allowed to qualify – scrapping a current rule that gives trainees unlimited attempts to pass basic tests in the three-Rs.

The Government will also attempt to encourage former Army Forces personnel into the classroom with the establishment of a new “Troops to Teachers” programme.

In a further move, teacher training courses will be reformed to put more focus on behaviour management and reading.

And ministers will also build on plans to train more students directly in schools – instead of university-based postgraduate programmes.

The reforms are designed to raise the profile of the teaching profession amid fears that English state schools are falling behind those in other developed nations.

It comes just days after Sir Michael Wilshaw, the incoming head of Ofsted, warned that the watchdog needed to do more to crack down on coasting teachers.

He said extra effort was needed to identify “the teacher… who year in, year out just comes up to the mark, but only just, and does the bare minimum".

Mr Gove said: "If we want to have an education system that ranks with the best in the world, then we need to attract the best people to train to teach, and we need to give them outstanding training.

"We have some excellent teachers in this country, but many who could make a huge difference in the lives of children choose other professions.”

The reforms being announced on Tuesday are expected to be introduced for new trainee teachers starting in September 2012.

It will place a significant emphasis on improving standards in traditional subjects that are seen as key to progression to top universities and in heavy demand among employers.

Bursaries of £20,000 will be available for students with a first-class degree to teach maths, sciences and foreign languages. Lesser awards – believed to be around £9,000 – will be awarded to top students teaching other secondary subjects and to work in primary schools.

Students with a 2:1 degree are set to get £15,000 to teach the most important subjects, while those with 2:2s could receive £11,000.

In addition, the Government will fund around 100 scholarships through the Institute of Physics – worth £20,000 – for exceptional physics graduates to train.

Ministers will also underline their determination to focus on the best students by refusing to fund courses for those who fail to gain at least a 2:2 - potentially preventing thousands of graduates from entering the profession.

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