Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Autumn Statement 2011: Schools that specialise in maths planned by Government

It is understood they will be among 100 new free schools for England to be announced by Chancellor George Osborne when he delivers his autumn statement on the economy on Tuesday.

He will tell MPs that the Government is to provide £600 million in additional funding over the next three years to enable the schools to be completed by the end of the parliament.

The new maths schools will be the subject of a special application process - outside the normal free school application process - to be set up by the Department for Education.

It will be open to groups with links to strong university mathematics departments to apply to open the schools for 16 to 18-year-olds.

Mr Osborne was said to have given his strong personal backing to Education Secretary to ensure that funding was found for the programme.

Maths is seen by the Government as a "fundamental strategic priority" in education.

With the spread of digital technologies, it is regarded as being is of ever-greater importance to the economy, offering students a better chance of well-paid jobs than almost any other subject.

Ministers want the new schools to produce a new generation of mathematicians able to produce breakthroughs in pure and applied mathematics or able to build new innovative companies.

The UK's most bike-friendly universities

Biking is big business in Cambridge and for the 12,000 or so students there are 6,200 bike spaces dotted around what is the UK's second oldest university. Bike theft is Cambridge's biggest crime with nearly 3,000 stolen from the city centre last year. Buying a decent lock, however, shouldn't be a problem with more than 20 bike shops in the town to choose from.

The data used in this gallery comes from the annual Estates Management Statistics courtesy of the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA).

Picture: Rob / Alamy

Brightest graduates 'to receive £20k bursaries to teach'

Graduates with first-class honours degrees will be able to claim the most lucrative financial incentives to teach subjects seen as vital to pupils’ future career prospects, such as maths, physics, chemistry, biology and foreign languages.

Students awarded a 2:1 or 2:2 at university will be eligible for smaller bursaries and ministers will refuse to fund teacher training courses for students with third-class degrees.

The plans will be outlined on Tuesday by Michael Gove, the Education Secretary, as part of a sweeping reform of the teacher training system in England.

Under the strategy, student teachers will be expected to display better standards of English and maths before being allowed to qualify – scrapping a current rule that gives trainees unlimited attempts to pass basic tests in the three-Rs.

The Government will also attempt to encourage former Army Forces personnel into the classroom with the establishment of a new “Troops to Teachers” programme.

In a further move, teacher training courses will be reformed to put more focus on behaviour management and reading.

And ministers will also build on plans to train more students directly in schools – instead of university-based postgraduate programmes.

The reforms are designed to raise the profile of the teaching profession amid fears that English state schools are falling behind those in other developed nations.

It comes just days after Sir Michael Wilshaw, the incoming head of Ofsted, warned that the watchdog needed to do more to crack down on coasting teachers.

He said extra effort was needed to identify “the teacher… who year in, year out just comes up to the mark, but only just, and does the bare minimum".

Mr Gove said: "If we want to have an education system that ranks with the best in the world, then we need to attract the best people to train to teach, and we need to give them outstanding training.

"We have some excellent teachers in this country, but many who could make a huge difference in the lives of children choose other professions.”

The reforms being announced on Tuesday are expected to be introduced for new trainee teachers starting in September 2012.

It will place a significant emphasis on improving standards in traditional subjects that are seen as key to progression to top universities and in heavy demand among employers.

Bursaries of £20,000 will be available for students with a first-class degree to teach maths, sciences and foreign languages. Lesser awards – believed to be around £9,000 – will be awarded to top students teaching other secondary subjects and to work in primary schools.

Students with a 2:1 degree are set to get £15,000 to teach the most important subjects, while those with 2:2s could receive £11,000.

In addition, the Government will fund around 100 scholarships through the Institute of Physics – worth £20,000 – for exceptional physics graduates to train.

Ministers will also underline their determination to focus on the best students by refusing to fund courses for those who fail to gain at least a 2:2 - potentially preventing thousands of graduates from entering the profession.

15,000 pupils pass the 11-plus but fail to get a grammar school place

The remaining 6,100 or so children were turned away because they did not meet other entry criteria as closely as those who were offered places, such as the distance they live from the school.

A small number of pupils who applied for and sat more than one test will be included in the figures.

They do not include children who have narrowly missed a place at "superselective" schools, which only take the top performers and do not have a pass mark.

If a similar number of eligible pupils are being rejected from the other 108 grammars in the country, it would mean that nearly 20 more establishments would be needed to meet the demand for places from about 15,000 extra students.

Bob McCartney, the chairman of the Grammar Schools Association, said: "These statistics demonstrate the great demand for grammar schools compared to the small number of places available and the unfairness to children who are qualified to fill them but are denied a place.

"The Government continues to blatantly ignore parental choice. Its approach is based on political motivation and not the pursuit of education excellence."

New Government admissions rules introduced last month make it easier for oversubscribed schools to expand or even establish "overflow" or "satellite" schools nearby.

However, there is no new capital funding for buildings and it is unclear whether a "satellite" grammar school would contravene the 1998 legal ban against the setting up of new selective schools.

Wallington High School for Girls, in Sutton, received 1,400 applications for 180 places and had to turn away more than 300 pupils who passed the 11 plus.

Barbara Greatorex, the head teacher, said: "I just think it is a shame that the opportunities that grammar schools afford are not more widespread. Most grammar schools are so oversubscribed that they take as many pupils as they possibly can but without capital funding, they do not have the space to take more."

But the admission rule changes have offered renewed hope in some areas which do not have grammar schools or have an acute shortage of places, such as Sevenoaks in Kent.

Plan are under discussion for existing grammar schools in Tonbridge and Tonbridge Wells to establish campuses for the 1,100 Sevenoaks children who travel about nine miles everyday to grammar schools in other towns.

Michael Fallon, the Sevenoaks MP, said: "The cost and time spent transporting these children is a huge waste and there is growing demand for grammar school places beyond that, including a big new housing development in north Sevenoaks.

"Parents, primary schools, head teachers are increasingly vocal about the need and the county council is supportive.

"We are actively exploring the establishment of a campus of two existing grammars and there is definite interest."

A Department for Education spokesman said: "We're giving all schools the freedom to offer more places but they will not be getting money from the department to expand."

Ministers are instead funding new free schools. An extra £600 million to build 100 more free schools will be announced in Tuesday's autumn statement.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Expat education: distance learning ideal for broadening your horizons

The first cohort of students on the MSc in Major Programme Management course, who have just completed their studies, numbered 33, the second 53 – an increase of more than 50 cent. About half the students are from the UK. The others come from far and wide. North America, South Africa, Australia...

Mainly they come from the private sector, but £1 billion-plus programmes are certainly not a private sector monopoly. One Said student worked for the International Atomic Energy Authority. Others have come from high-spending London boroughs.

With a median age of around forty, the students all have first degrees, or the equivalent, and about a third already have MBAs. But they need the additional management know-how that Said can give them.

The two-year course is designed to enable them to continue their careers uninterrupted, while devoting about ten hours a week to developing the intellectual and financial skills needed to manage. The course consists of eight taught courses, each one requiring an intensive four-day programme in Oxford, and a 10,000-word dissertation – perhaps, though not necessarily, focussing on issues specific to their own workplaces.

"Every student is different, with different major spending programmes for which they need to prepare," says Chapman. "But they are not doing their studies in isolation. Each student has a tutor at an Oxford college as a mentor. They also form contacts will fellow students that span the globe – from Sydney to Santiago, in the case of two of our students. And we learn from them. We have recently had to tweak our course as a result of input from a student who was working on a major development programme in Afghanistan."

If the Said programme specifically targets big spenders, there are management courses geared to just about every manager in every sector of the economy, with new courses becoming available every year and more and more universities and business schools recognising that this is a market they should try to tap.

For Jo Downing, a clinical coding manager at King's Hospital in London, a MA in Management Studies from Kingston University in Surrey was just the fillip she needed in her NHS career. She already had a degree in business studies and modern languages, but despite more than ten years of hands-on experience of hospital management, realised that a masters degree offered the likeliest route to future promotion. Since qualifying earlier this year, she has already applied for a position two grades above her current job.

"There is a big drive within the NHS to improve efficiency and effectiveness," says Downing. "King's Hospital recognised that I would be more valuable to them if I was better qualified, so I received a modicum of financial help with the funding for the course. I also got study leave when appropriate."

The Kingston course took three years to complete and consisted of a postgraduate diploma followed by a dissertation. Attendance at the university was necessary about once a month, which was not a problem for Downing, who lived in the vicinity. But many of her fellow students came from much further afield. Some worked in the private sector, while others worked for local government, the NHS or other public bodies.

"It was quite a while since my days as a full-time university student, and it took a while to pick up the habits of study again," says Downing. "But Kingston was good at helping us structure our studies and get the most out of individual assignments. Its many online resources also made it easy to study at home at the weekends."

If at one level she was going back to school, she was also acquiring management skills that stood her in good stead in her day job. "I wasn’t interested in purely theoretical learning," says Downing. "I deliberately sought out assignments that would have a practical application in a hospital environment – and my employers appreciated that."

One such assignment helped her develop management tools for quantifying the workloads of different hospital workers – a perennial challenge within the notoriously complex administrative structure of the NHS. Another led to some improved procedures in relation to stem-cell transplants.

Outstanding managers are like gold-dust, whether they are overseeing the expenditure of billions of pounds of money or simply making hospitals run more efficiently, to the benefit of patients. If they need to spend bit of time away from the office studying the art of management, it is generally a sound investment.

Case study: Chiara Dottorini McCormack, 37, a programme manager at ST Micro-Electronics, Bristol, has just completed an MSc in Major Programme Management with the Said Business School in Oxford.

"I took my first degree at the University of Milan, moved to England and have been working for my present company, ST Micro-Electronics in Bristol, for just over ten years. I am both a team leader and a major programme manager, in charge of developing a software programme costing millions of pounds.

“The main reason I wanted to take a masters degree was to acquire new skills and competences that would both help me deliver the current programme successfully and further my long-term career. I discussed options with various business schools and universities and, after careful consideration, ruled out the MBA option. Too much of the content of MBA programmes dealt with broad-brush strategic issues that were not relevant to my career. I wanted something more targeted, concentrating on the practicalities of financing a major programme rather than on the kind of financial issues that dominate the banking world.

“The Said Business School’s MSc in Major Programme Management was perfectly tailored to my needs. I had to meet the costs of the course myself, as my company does not fund such courses for its employers as a matter a policy, but it has been money well spent. It has been hard work at times – I was told I would need to devote about ten hours a week to the course, but seem to have spent closer to fifteen – but the content was first-class, both challenging and focussed.

“As well as studying from home, I had to come to Oxford every two or three months for an intensive four-day session of classes and seminars with fellow students on the course. They were an interesting lot, ranging in age from thirty to fifty, and it was useful to swap experiences with other major programme managers, even ones working in different fields to me. Informal get-togethers in the evening were often as productive as the classes themselves.

“The final element of the course was a dissertation on a subject of our choice. I chose a general topic, major programme success, rather than something specific to my company, but the course as a whole has certainly benefited me in my day-to-day work, notably in re-engineering the software of the company.

“As for the future, I am certainly far more marketable, now that I have got a masters degree under my belt, and the feedback from recruiters has been very positive. But there have been other benefits, too. The course has opened my mind to more strategic ways of looking at old problems. It has given me far greater self-confidence in dealing with people in senior management positions. Last but not least, in putting me in touch with other high-level professionals in other fields, it has significantly broadened my horizons."

Case study: Henk Nagel, 38, Director of Professional Services, Northern Region, for the software company CommVault, is doing an Msc in Management with Ashridge Business School

"I took my first degree in information technology at Utrecht University in the Netherlands and am now based in the same city, working for CommVault, a multinational software company. I used to be director of customer services, which was when I acquired my interest in management as a vital tool for a company striving to improve its overall performance.

"In view of my executive responsibilities, it seemed a good idea to acquire a masters degree of some kind, so I weighed my options carefully.

“The problem with a traditional MBA, as I established through discussions with a colleague, is that its content was likely to be overly academic. I wanted a course with a more practical application to my working environment, where a lot of day-to-day problems have a high technical content.

“I had done a short internship with Ashridge Business School in 2009 and been impressed with the standard of their teaching and with their practical approach to management problems. In 2010, with the support of my employers, who agreed to pay half my fees, I enrolled in Ashridge’s new virtual Masters in Management. There was supposed to be a few days’ face-to-face teaching in the first part of the programme, but Ashridge waived this in view of the time I had already spent at the business school. I appreciated their flexibility.

“I have now completed the first element of the masters degree, a three-term postgraduate certificate. There were three separate modules, each taking three months and involving two distinct assignments. It was a significant time commitment – around 15 to 20 hours a week, studying at home in the evenings and at weekends – and with a wife and two young children, I had to manage my time very carefully. Luckily, that is a skill I have always had. Without it, I think I would have struggled.

“Mainly, I was working on my own. There was some scope for interacting with fellow course members through learning groups and on social media sites, but the Ashridge course focuses on individual rather than group assignments, and that suited me fine. I work in quite a specialist field, with challenges specific to it.

“Even though I have only completed the first part of the course, I have already been able to reap the benefits at work. The services side of a company like ours tends to be seen more as a cost rather than as a potential source of profit. I hope that, by analysing our operations in a different way, I have been to improve our bottom-line performance.

“As I move on to the two remaining parts of the course, the three-term diploma and the special project, I want to broaden my horizons into general management and achieve a greater comfort level when dealing with issues of strategy and finance."

London protests: police put a stop to Trafalgar Square 'tent city'

About 25 tents were pitched next to Nelson’s Column at 1.30pm after a group of 200 protesters broke free from the main march, which was protesting about the rise in university tuition fees and education cuts.

The breakaway group pledged to stay in the square indefinitely, mirroring the occupation at St Paul’s Cathedral.

About an hour later police removed the protesters, saying they had breached section 12 of the Public Order Act by deviating from the official protest route.

The success of the policing operation was in part attributed to the fact that Scotland Yard had 4,000 officers on patrol, the largest single body of officers policing any event since the summer riots.

The attempted occupation was the only notable incident of an otherwise peaceful protest. Last night only 24 arrests had been made despite an estimated 10,000 protesters turning out.

Earlier in the day Glyn Jukes, 37, one of the ringleaders of the breakaway group, said that the camp was “here to stay” and that “supplies were on the way”.

The joiner from Newtown, mid-Wales, said: “This camp will serve as a beacon for the old and the young and the disenfranchised around the world.” He handed out “bust cards” with instructions on what to do in the event of arrest.

However most of the breakaway group left to rejoin the march a short time later, leaving about 25 protesters to hold the camp.

Then at 2.45pm, about 100 police officers approached the encampment, set up a loudspeaker and demanded the protesters leave or face arrest. Fifteen minutes later they moved in and carried the protesters away.

By 3.15pm the Occupy Trafalgar Square camp was no more.

Police said that 12 arrests were made at the camp. They offered to return the tents but none of the protesters took up the offer.

“Freedoms are being eroded everywhere in this country, “ said Ben, 24, from Hertfordshire. This is just another example of that”.

Michael Gove: strikers are itching for a fight

With 90 per cent of schools expected to be closed on Wednesday due to strike action over public sector pensions, Michael Gove made a last-ditch appeal to teachers to "pause and reflect" before joining the mass walkouts.

The Education Secretary insisted public sector workers were being offered a "good deal" saying it was "unfair and unrealistic" to expect taxpayers to foot the increasing bill for pensions.