Friday, November 11, 2011

The awful truth about A-levels is finally out

Top marks for Michael Gove – if that’s not damning with faint praise. By opening up a debate on a return to “norm referencing” in exams (that is, only allowing a fixed number of candidates to gain the top grade), the Education Secretary has dared confront, unlike a string of his predecessors, the issue of dumbing down in A-levels.

He will doubtless receive vilification from many quarters. Yet it was high time someone took the initiative. It would be an insult to pet-food manufacturers to call the present state of public examinations a dog’s dinner; the system is dangerously close to being not fit for purpose.

A major difficulty for the A-level has been government’s failure to back it as our national examination system. Rather than address and attempt to correct its deficiencies, the last government actually proposed running an alternative exam alongside it. We must be the only country in the world running four separate exams designed to test university entrants: A?level, the International Baccalaureate, the Pre-U and Scottish Highers. It just doesn’t make sense, and baffled, too, must be the university admissions tutors as they attempt to weigh the relative value of each as they assess their applicants.

Thank heavens, then, that one of education’s worst-kept secrets is officially out of the bag. We have all known for a long time that it is becoming easier to gain the top grades at A-level. Twenty-four years ago, when I first became head of a selective boys’ independent school, the champagne corks would pop and the bunting was hung out if 30 per cent of our A-level grades were As. Two decades later and heads of leading schools know they would be hung from the nearest lamppost and their entrails scattered on unhallowed ground if that figure wasn’t at least 60 per cent.

There was little will to confront the issue because, although it became perhaps twice as easy to gain an A grade, the same didn’t apply in the bottom percentiles: it wasn’t getting any easier to actually pass the exam. Our children were working harder, and weak and inefficient teachers were being weeded out. Even though the top was being dumbed down, real improvements were being made at the bottom end.

The trouble is that world-class universities, be they Oxford or Cambridge, Bristol or Birmingham, Harvard or Yale, need to recruit from the top 15 per cent of the ability band. Feed them less and, like a modern jet fighter suddenly required to fly on diesel rather than high-octane fuel, they crash and burn. But instead of seeking out and flagging up this band of “elite” students, our examination system was hiding it. It was decided that “elite” was a swear word and we refused to recognise these particularly bright children as one of Britain’s few remaining natural resources. Instead, they were allowed to slip off the examination radar and become indistinguishable from the next tier of ability down.

Sadly for Gove, the problem can’t just be solved by some statistical wizardry. The addition of the new A* grade, whereby the top grade would only go to those scoring 90 per cent or more in all four A-level modules, wasn’t strict enough. But nor is restricting the percentage of children who are awarded that grade. What is needed is an entirely new extension paper, akin to the old S-Level, which would properly challenge and sift out our brightest and best.

Yet even the best reforms in the world will crumble and fall like a building built on sand unless a major problem underpinning the whole examination system is addressed – marking. The current collection of markers – teachers; many of them inexperienced and some of them underqualified – are an embarrassment. It is perhaps no wonder when we afford them a lower wage and less status than the servants who used to empty chamber pots. Mr Gove can put all the effort he likes into improving our examination system, but if this does not go hand in hand with improving the supply and quality of people marking the actual papers then he’s wasting his time.

And while we’re at it, let’s throw the GCSE in the bin. Fiddling around the edges and awarding extra marks for spelling just isn’t enough. It is neither a School Leaving Certificate that guarantees employers minimum standards of numeracy and literacy, nor a proper tester for those who might wish to proceed to university. It fails to challenge the most able, and is too difficult for the least able. It is living proof that humans, thank God, come in different shapes and sizes, and one size does not fit all.

Michael Gove has grasped a nettle. The problem is that there is an entire field of them.

Dr Martin Stephen is former High Master of St Paul’s School

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