Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Troops to man airports during 'general strike'

His warning came as it emerged at least three million children will be locked out as at least 8,000 schools close on Wednesday because of the strike.

Ministers believe Wednesday’s “day of action” will cost the economy up to £500m, cause the cancellation of countless NHS operations and see Whitehall grind to a halt.

It is feared as many as 57,000 NHS patients will be affected by the industrial action, with as many as 20 per cent of health service staff expected to strike.

Local councils believe between 20 and 30 per cent of their staff will not turn up to work, potentially hitting rubbish collections, leisure centres and funeral services.

Tourist attractions will also be affected, with parts of the British Museum set to be closed.

The action has been billed by unions as the biggest walkout since the general strike of 1926.

The biggest single impact will be on millions of working parents who will be forced to take the day off or arrange childcare as teachers, classroom assistants, dinner ladies, caretakers and cleaners join the strike.

Head teachers will join them, taking strike action for the first time in their history.

Some 40 per cent of schools will be shut or partially closed in the 66 local authorities that responded to a Sunday Telegraph survey, with councils predicting that more schools will announce closures tomorrow and Tuesday.

If the figures are replicated across all 152 authorities in England, it will see at least 8,000 schools closed.

With about 6.8 million children in schools in England, it will equate to a minimum of three million children left without education.

Parents groups warned last night of growing anger about the industrial action and said that the goodwill that exists between teachers and families will be destroyed.

This weekend, Nick Gibb, the schools minister, repeated warning to the unions that an improved offer on public sector pensions may be withdrawn if no deal is reached.

Ministers want workers across the public sector to pay more into their pensions, retire later and receive pensions based on their average earnings during their career, rather than their highest salary, to reflect greater longevity among the population.

The reforms, designed to reduce the crippling public pensions bill, will mean teachers who are more than 10 years from retirement will lose on average 20 per cent of their pot and pay higher contributions.

Separately, three trade union leaders overseeing the pensions strike have amassed retirement packages worth more than £1 million, according to analysis.

Brendan Barber, 60, the head of the TUC, was found to have the largest trade union pension pot, with a value of £1.8 million. Last year he received a salary of £98,056.

Paul Kenny and Len McCluskey, the general secretaries of the GMB and Unite, both have pension pots worth around £1.5 million, according to the research, which was validated by Hargreaves Lansdown, leading investment experts.

Trade unions do not publish valuations of their bosses pension pots, even though leading companies, government departments and other public bodies all do so.

By analysing the salaries, age and length of service, Hargreaves Lansdown was able to calculate how much it would cost a member of the public to buy an annuity to deliver the same retirement income as the union bosses will receive.

Tom McPhail, head of pensions research at the firm, said that this method was “conservative”. It does not take account of future years’ service or any pay rises between now and their retirement.

“The changes the government are trying to make to public sector pension are proportionate and fair,” said Mr McPhail.

“Everyone needs to get used to the prospect of retiring later, paying more into their pension and receiving less.”

The TUC said it “practises what it preaches” and provides the same defined-benefit pension for all of its staff. GMB said it did not recognise the figures. Unite did not comment.

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