Monday, November 7, 2011

Liam Fox: media 'made a meal' of relationship with Adam Werritty

He said he wants to return to front line politics but conceded that a come-back may take time.

Dr Fox, who quit the Cabinet amid a furore over his links to his best man, refused to discuss the “gossip” and “rumour” about his relationship with his “very good friend”.

But the former minister suggested he had been right to include Mr Werritty in some high level meetings on international affairs and claimed that the media had made “a meal” of his association with his friend.

In his first interview since his resignation earlier this month, Dr Fox said he was looking forward to being able to speak his mind as the backbench Conservative MP for North Somerset.

“It will be interesting being on the backbenches. I will certainly be freer to say what I want,” he told BBC Radio Bristol.

“I would certainly like to get back to the front bench - how quickly is another matter," he said.

“What’s important is that under this government, ministers make a mistake, ministers admit the mistake and ministers resign.

“That’s really quite different from the sort of clinging onto office at all costs which we saw under the previous government.”

Such a “decisive and clean” approach was “very much David Cameron’s style”, Dr Fox observed.

Dr Fox resigned after what he described as a “maelstrom” of media scrutiny and public criticism over his links to his self-styled adviser, Mr Werritty.

Mr Werritty, who was best man at the former minister’s wedding, was with Dr Fox on 18 foreign trips and was present at meetings with senior military figures.

At the time of his resignation, Dr Fox admitted that he had allowed the distinctions between his professional life and personal loyalties to become “blurred”.

“He’s obviously a very good friend of mine. I have known him for many years,” he said. “We stay in touch. He regularly comes to see us.”

Dr Fox insisted that he had simply made “a careless mistake” in meeting a prospective defence supplier with Mr Werritty in Dubai, in the absence of a civil servant.

“I think it was just really a mistake not to have somebody there, but when we were sitting in a coffee lounge in a hotel, it’s hardly a high security meeting,” Dr Fox said.

“It’s very easy to be careless, but you pay a price for it.”

Dr Fox said he believed it had been “very pertinent” for Mr Werritty to attend “a couple of meetings on Sri Lanka”, because the pair had worked closely on resolving conflict in the country while the Conservatives were in opposition.

Dr Fox declined to say whether Mr Werritty had gained financially from their association, but said: “His funding is very clear. It’s all out there in the public and I think that there’s rather too much of a meal being made of some of this.”

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