Wednesday, November 30, 2011

LSE to be criticised over £1.5m Libya donation

Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, whose charity made a £1.5m donation to the LSE, was captured by Libyan rebels this month. Saif al-Islam Gaddafi, whose charity made a £1.5m donation to the LSE, was captured by Libyan rebels this month.?Photo: AFP

A major inquiry is expected to conclude that the institution was negligent in accepting donations from the Gaddafi regime.

The report by Lord Woolf, the former Lord Chief Justice, will attack the LSE’s lax handling of the affair, saying the university’s ruling council was given inadequate and incomplete information before deciding to accept the grant.

It will level personal criticism at Sir Howard Davies, the former LSE director, who quit in May amid lingering questions over the morality of the cash award.

The report’s conclusions come as Labour was again dragged into the row over the weekend when it was claimed that a company formerly headed by Adam Ingram, the ex-defence minister, gave a £100,000 donation to a charity run by the Gaddafi family around the same time it was awarded a multi-million contract in Libya.

The LSE – rated as one of the top universities in Britain – asked Lord Woolf to carry out an independent external inquiry into its links with Libya earlier this year.

His inquiry was submitted to the school in mid-October and is expected to be released on Wednesday afternoon after being considered by the LSE council.

A charity run by Saif-al-Islam Gaddafi – Muammar Gaddafi’s son – donated £1.5m to the LSE in 2009, although only £300,000 reached the university.

It came after Saif Gaddafi, 39, who was captured by Libyan rebel forces earlier this month after weeks on the run, completed a PhD at the university.

Lord Woolf’s inquiry will outline the errors made by the LSE in accepting the donation and establish clear guidelines for international donations to – and links with – the school.

The report will reportedly conclude that Sir Howard should have made a clearer judgment on the “acceptability of the cited sources of donation”.

It also suggested that David Held, an academic advisor to Saif Gadaffi and a professor of political science at the university, should have provided significantly more information to the LSE council before a decision on the donation was taken. Prof Held has since announced he is quitting the LSE to join Durham University.

It emerged that the LSE was warned against accepting the donation from Fred Halliday, an emeritus professor of international relations, who has since died.

He wrote to the council criticising Libya's human right's record and the unrestrained celebrations in Tripoli that followed the release of Abdelbaset Ali al-Megrahi, the Lockerbie bomber.

But minutes of a council meeting revealed that senior officials feared embarrassing Saif Gaddafi by rejecting the cash.

Last night, the LSE declined to comment on the findings until the inquiry is published.

A spokesman for Lord Woolf also refused to comment ahead of the publication.

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