Monday, November 14, 2011

Student fees protest: who is behind latest London demonstrations

"What the police have done is extremely political and a cynical attempt to put people off from coming to a national demonstration What they are doing is trying to put people off and pre-criminalising the process.

"They are ramping up the pressure and in the process being completely irresponsible. We've been very explicit that what we are calling for is non-violent, direct action."

Other key supporters

The National Union of Students

Liam Burns, its president, supports the protest.

“When fees are trebled, the Education Maintenance Allowance scrapped, and even less money is spent on supporting students financially, don’t be surprised that demonstrations are here to stay.”

Occupy LSX (London Stock Exchange):

Campers from outside St Paul’s Cathedral are reported to be joining the march when it passes by the London landmark.

UK Uncut:

The group has stated online: “Last year students, pupils and workers fought back. We were the biggest youth rebellion since the Sixties, and we aren’t going away. Together we can save education and the welfare state from the Tories.”

Education Activist Network,

The group, led by Mark Bergfeld, has stated on its page on Facebook, the social networking site: “Students and lecturers are under attack. The (Education) White Paper seeks to dismantle and destroy publicly-funded Higher Education creating a two-tier system. Institutions will fail, others will privatise, and again others will become bastions for the wealthy.”

Trade unions:

Members of the University and College Union, for lecturers and academics and Unite, representing the electricians in their dispute over pay cuts are also expected to join the protest.


The N9 Anarchist Bloc:

Plans to join the march using red and black flags and banners.

Its website said: “This is our opportunity to join together with those who will not be governed by markets, dictated to by politicians, or accept the conditions being forced upon them.”

Socialist group Revolution:

Writing on its site, John Bowman, an activist, said: “The 9th November needs to show those thousands of young people who showed discontent through rioting in the summer that there can be more structured, thought out and successful ways to protest.”

Mervyn King Collective:

Its website said: “The global sea of rage continues and the next crash of the waves will be in The City of London on November 9th. Brothers and sisters. This is a call. This is yours. This is it.”

Meanwhile, adding to the headache for police, two other protests will take place in London.

Taxi drivers will stage a demonstration in Trafalgar Square, while electricians are also set to march.

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