Thursday, November 10, 2011

Children need better exams than GCSEs

For many thousands of young people, yesterday’s GCSE results were, we trust, a cause for celebration. Those who performed well deserve credit for the hard work they have put in: while it is galling to be told that the exams are easier than they used to be, they still have to be revised for, fretted over and passed. The pupils can only sit the exams put in front of them; and the gradual debasement of the marks over the past 15 years or more is not their fault.

Inevitably, the number of A and A* grades reached another record – for the 24th year running. All told, almost a quarter of papers were worthy of such grades. However, the overall improvement on the previous year was, at 0.6 per cent, comparatively small, suggesting that the rampant grade inflation of recent years is finally levelling out.

Of particular concern is that the gender gap has widened: while girls have long performed better than boys, they are now further ahead than ever. Great effort has gone into redressing this problem, not least by scrapping coursework, which it was assumed helped improve girls’ results because they worked harder and more consistently to produce it. The expectation was that these reforms would enable boys to catch up – but the opposite has happened. This is another example of how tinkering with the system to bring about equality rather than excellence has backfired. For too long, parents have been forced by the teaching profession and craven politicians to accept standards of education that they know to be scandalously deficient. Why, for instance, has it taken until now for the exams watchdog Ofqual to conclude that a significant number of marks should be lost for poor spelling and grammar? This is something that parents and employers have been saying for years, only to be ignored by those who consider literacy to be an elitist pursuit.

Labour presided over an appalling decline in the integrity of our examination system, which the Coalition is striving to rectify. The English Baccalaureate championed by Michael Gove offers schools – in particular, state schools – a broader and more balanced curriculum (and has, of course, been criticised by the teaching unions). But in the GCSEs we have exams which, as Martin Stephen, the former High Master of St Paul’s School, said in this newspaper yesterday, are “probably the worst of their kind in the world”. We owe it to our children to do far better than this: in fact, we need a thoroughgoing and independent consideration of the way forward, one able to challenge the nostrums of the educational establishment. The last Royal Commission on education was in 1895. It is time for another.

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