Monday, November 14, 2011

Sir Paul Nurse on the Francis Crick Institute: step aboard the mother ship of medicine

Britain is regarded as a world leader in science, but the Francis Crick Institute represents a different way of approaching biological research, aimed at boosting the rate of medicinal and technological breakthroughs.

Originally named the UK Centre for Medical Research and Innovation (a “ghastly” title, says Sir Paul), it was this year renamed after the late scientist who, with James Watson, discovered the double helix structure of DNA in 1953. This “super-laboratory” will exploit our understanding of genetics – for which the pair laid the foundations – to develop new therapies for common conditions such as cancer and heart disease.

“We’re ripping up the rulebook, frankly,” Sir Paul tells me in his glass-walled cubicle at the top of the Wellcome Trust’s headquarters in Euston, a stone’s throw from where his new office will be.

The enormous scale of the institute means that it will be able to fund scientists from a wide range of fields studying a variety of diseases.

“This institute will have a major focus on cancer research,” says Sir Paul, “but the point is that sometimes you find research in an area that doesn’t seem relevant to cancer, but actually is extremely relevant. Having a wide range of disease interests – heart disease, cancer, immunology, neurodegeneration and the like – it cross-fertilises across the field and you need a large institute to do that.”

Successful scientific research is an undoubted driver of the economy through the development of new technology. Importing new expertise has the potential to generate money as well as life-saving discoveries. In its early days, the institute – a merger of Cancer Research UK and the Medical Research Council’s (MRC) research units – will be populated by scientists from those two centres. But it will quickly look to cement its status by recruiting “very significantly on a worldwide basis”.

However, there are obstacles to Sir Paul’s plans. David Cameron has personally expressed his support, designating the centre as a critical national infrastructure project and protecting it from spending review cuts. But the Government’s immigration cap may prevent it from attracting precisely the people it was designed to accommodate.

“Immigration is a real problem,” says Sir Paul. “The Government has shot us in the foot with the most highly trained, creative scientists subject to restrictions, in the sense of having caps on numbers.”

While Premier League footballers enjoy special exemption from new visa restrictions imposed last year, scientists are subject to quotas that could see them turned away.

Sir Paul was among a number of leading scientists who have lobbied the Government to offer researchers and industry leaders the same exemptions enjoyed by top athletes – but to no avail.

“The Government wants long-term economic growth and it should be welcoming these people with open arms,” he says. “If we’ve got a brilliant cancer research scientist in the US who wants to come here, why on earth do we keep them out?”

He is quietly confident that within four years, he and other experts will have persuaded the Government to re-examine its policy and open the borders to foreign scientists.

“You can have brilliant entrepreneurs, but if they’ve got no knowledge to work with, they’re stuffed,” he says. “Although I am irritated by it, I think the Government will learn and change its mind in the next several years and make it easier again.”

The masterplan is for scientists to arrive at the institute in their late twenties or early thirties and remain for more than a decade – a period when their drive and imagination are high but one in which they might struggle to find senior positions at universities. They will then move on to jobs elsewhere, aided by the institute’s links with its funding bodies – including the MRC, Wellcome Trust, Cancer Research UK, UCL, Imperial and King’s College London.

So the institute will act as a magnet for talent, but it will also be a “mother ship” to protect its employees at the most vulnerable stage of their careers, before sending them out into the world.

“We’re positioning this institute to be a major training centre and feeding centre for the rest of the country,” says Sir Paul. “The notion here, which is very different to most institutions, is not to hang on to our best people, but to export them. Normal institutions, when they have a star, do everything they can to hang on to them. Our job is to make stars and then get rid of them.”

Looking further ahead, Sir Paul believes that his leadership could have a direct impact on the health service in Britain, by acting as a “catalyst for driving the NHS as a research engine”. While its critics perceive the NHS to be a drain on resources, it has the potential to be used for research which would be the “envy of the world’’, he says.

“The NHS is a real resource if we have the imagination to use it. It would make places like the Crick Institute more effective because we could work more efficiently with the public care-delivery system as a whole in driving new treatments.

“This is a place where we can develop basic science and understanding, and feed that into a UK-wide NHS component, together with pharmaceutical companies.”

It is an ambitious vision, and one that still requires significant funding: Cancer Research UK aims to raise £100 million for construction of the laboratories at the Francis Crick Institute. But it is one that has the potential to transform not just British science, but our understanding of some of the most challenging problems in modern medicine.

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