Saturday, November 5, 2011

Degrees go the distance

“They do not just want extra letters after their names,” says Prof Kydd. “They are highly qualified professionals. But they are attracted by a course that will bring them into contact with an international peer group.”

Most students on the university’s international programme are from overseas, but about 6,000 are based in the UK. With a steep rise in university fees due in 2012, that number seems sure to rise.

“The funding of higher education in the UK is undergoing a radical overhaul,” says Prof Kydd, “Although we cannot be sure which recommendations in the Browne report will be implemented, it is already clear that we will be moving away from a system of block grants from government to a more market-based model, in which students can exercise purchasing power.”

Currently, a student in Lincoln who wanted to study part-time at London University through the international programme would not qualify for a student loan. But that is set to change next year.

While attention has focused on higher fees, the opening up and liberalisation of the market in higher education also represents an opportunity for universities to offer a wider range of options – and for savvy students to take advantage.

At London University, £12million has been invested in student services. The university is also rationalising the courses, and facilitating mix-and-match courses such as English and theology.

Other universities with a track record in distance learning are thinking along similar lines. They have realised that, if they are going to reach out to students beyond the campus, they have got to do it in a professional, imaginative way.

At Derby University, five new online courses are being introduced this autumn.

“We first got into distance learning 10 years ago,” says Julie Stone, head of the university’s online learning unit. “Everyone thought that it had a golden future. But perhaps because it was branded and marketed in the wrong way, and people were suspicious of products advertised on the net, it never really took off. Since 2008, the tide has turned again.”

Derby has about 1,500 online students paying between £8,000 and £9,500 for BA and BSc courses such as psychology, IT, accounting and finance and, one of its new courses, international hospitality management. Students come from all over the world, have all kinds of different backgrounds and long-term ambitions.

Stone says that 95 per cent of students find Derby through Google. “They are typically in their 30s and 40s, studying part-time while holding down full-time jobs. About a third are from the UK, the rest from overseas. But their numbers are growing. A lot of UK universities either don’t offer online courses or, if they do, treat them as an afterthought. We put our online programme on the front page of our website. We see it as integral to our future.”

To anyone lucky enough to have gone to university when there were generous student grants, the idea of sitting at a computer in Belgium, emailing people in Hong Kong about a psychology course in Liverpool, will be unfamiliar. But it would be foolish to see the explosion in online study as a desperate remedy for desperate times.

Just as “location, location, location” is a mantra in the world of property, “flexibility. flexibility, flexibility” deserves to be a mantra in the world of higher education.


Name: Jasmine Van Hoelandt

Age: 25

Education: BSc in economics and management via the University of London international programme

“I am from Sweden originally, got A-levels, left school, took a gap year, moved to London, got married — then decided to take up distance learning while I was in the middle of Afghanistan!

“My husband is a venture capitalist and it looked as if he was going to spend several years in Afghanistan, so if I wanted to further my education, and pursue a professional career, distance learning seemed the best option.

“I was inspired by an Afghan woman friend who was determined to get professional qualifications and enrolled in the University of London international programme via its office in Islamabad.

“I enrolled to read a BSc in economics and management with the University of London, starting in September 2007, but my husband had to return to London, so I ended up doing a distance-learning course while living just a few miles from the university, in Pimlico.

“It was a strange situation, but having had the chance to compare my experiences with my fellow students on the BSc course - whom I finally got to meet at the graduation ceremony - I think I did well. Whereas the students on campus finished the course heavily in debt, having had to take out big student loans, I only had to find the fees – about £4,000.

“Instead of having my whole week organised for me, with classes and lectures and seminars, I got on with my studies at my own pace. Study materials would arrive in the post and, because I am pretty self-disciplined, I was able to work my way through the modules in a systematic way and complete the three-year course on time.

“I liked not being spoon-fed, and acquired the habits of independent study. But I was also pleased when, in the second year, the course material started to be delivered online, and there was the chance to interact with tutors and fellow students through forums.

“My peer group turned out to be an international mix, from all over the world. I would type in a question at 3pm in London and get an email back at 3am from someone living in Melbourne or Hong Kong.

“I had considered studying with the Open University, but the University of London, with the London School of Economics the contact point for my course, seemed more academically rigorous. I also liked the fact that alumni included Nelson Mandela!

“I am staying with the University of London for a two-year masters degree in management from the London School of Economics. Eventually, I hope to end up a management consultant.”


Name: Dario Salvi

Age: 35

Resident: Italy

Education: Online BSc in psychology from the University of Derby

“I conduct an orchestra and work mainly in the evenings, which has given me plenty of time to pursue another of my passions – psychology. A distance-learning course seemed to be the best way to combine work with study.

“I originally studied at Parma University, but now live in a hill town near Lake Garda. I have visited Britain many times, and speak good English, so an online course with a British university was one obvious option. When I spotted that Derby University offered a BSc in psychology, I enrolled straight away. The cost of the course was around £3,000 a year. It was a modular degree, so I could have taken up to seven years to complete it, but I completed the course in three years, just as if I had studied on campus. It took self-discipline, and parts of the course were quite tough.

“Psychology is not a soft academic option, there are a lot of statistics involved. But an online course is not solitary. I was in touch almost daily with tutors and fellow students and got a sense of belonging to a community.

“One of the highlights was the compulsory residential week in the second year. I was able to put faces to names. They all had interesting stories to tell. We would gossip about our private lives, like students the world over, not just talk about the course. Some of them came thousands of miles - from Singapore and the Philippines. The most unexpected students were a couple of brothers from St Lucia. One of them got married last year and asked me to his wedding, but I wasn’t able to make it.

“I graduated last year, and it has proved a stepping-stone to higher things. I have just been accepted to read an MSc in music therapy at Cambridge University.

“Music therapy - using music as a tool to help people with autism etc - is a fascinating field. It combines my two great passions, and I am so enthusiastic about the prospect of studying at Cambridge that I am planning to move there.

“I have already conducted orchestras at Cambridge, so, with professional engagements to complement my studies and offset the costs, I could hardly be better placed. I am at an exciting stage of my life.”

This piece was originally published in the Telegraph Weekly World Edition

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