Thursday, November 10, 2011

Lord Sainsbury to be Cambridge University Chancellor, exit poll shows

The result has been a bizarre four-way fight to win support from an electorate of around 150,000 people, mostly Cambridge graduates who now have little day-to-day association with their alma mater.

Votes were cast in person at the Senate House in Cambridge on Friday and yesterday, with the count taking place this morning and the result due this afternoon.

Whilst the contest may have taken Lord Sainsbury by surprise, today's result could bring him some good news.

An exit poll by The Sunday Telegraph shows the peer on course to pick up 55 per cent of the first-preference votes, enough to secure him the 800-year-old ceremonial post without the need for a second round of counting under the alternative vote system used by the university.

In the survey, Blessed was supported by 22 per cent and Mr Mansfield by 16 per cent, with Mr Arain trailing on seven per cent.

Victory for the peer would end a controversy of a kind not seen since the last contested election in 1847, when Prince Albert, the husband of Queen Victoria, was opposed by the Earl of Powis.

As the Vice-Chancellor begged Powis to withdraw, satirists gleefully lampooned the Prince Consort – who won, but by only a small majority.

Thereafter, the elections have been walkovers, with no one challenging the choice of the university's Nomination Board.

No-one expected anything different last spring when the board chose Lord Sainsbury, formerly Tony Blair's science minister, to succeed the Duke of Edinburgh, Chancellor since 1976.

Then, says Mr Arain, 46, he was asked to stand by a group of academics, some of them customers.

"They were looking for someone to change the status quo, to make Cambridge more accessible to those who felt it was only for the privileged."

It was, he insists, merely "a happy coincidence" that he was already campaigning against the planned supermarket – although he wasted little time making his point.

"Look at the financial incentives for the finest academics to go to foreign universities. They stay because they like living in Cambridge. Would that happen if this were a chain store 'clone town'?

"But I don't have anything against Lord Sainsbury personally. I am campaigning against all chain stores."

Blessed, 74, says that he too had his arm twisted to stand by a collection of graduates. He insists he is serious about wanting to win the right to wear the Chancellor's gold-embroidered gown – but he has made his case with humour, promising that with his "exceptionally large lungs (twice the size of an average human's), his booming voice would project Cambridge's case with characteristic largesse."

The actor, who sported a leather "posing pouch" in the 1980 film Flash Gordon, used his online manifesto to extol his status as "national treasure and fully-trained astronaut".

On Saturday he was applauded as he arrived to hold court in the Anchor pub by the River Cam, and refused to be discouraged by the indications of a Sainsbury victory.

"Lord Sainsbury doesn't have my sex appeal. He's a good egg, a champion of the arts, but if I see him I will chuck him in the river."

Surrounded by a gaggle of admiring young graduates, the actor added: "The shopkeeper sounds an absolute darling.

"If I were chancellor I would join in all the activities, plan expeditions to places like Everest, steal all the books in the library ..."

Mr Mansfield, 60, adopted a more political tone. Meeting voters in a cafe yesterday, he said: "The most important thing has been the opportunity to make the case against this Government's education policy."

He praised Mr Arain for changing university tradition for ever.

"I don't think that the chancellorship will be considered a matter of divine right ever again. I hope there will always be an election."

The electorate encompasses all members of the university Senate, which includes anyone who has completed a Cambridge degree and then collected the Masters (MA) offered seven years after matriculation.

In the bright autumn sunshine yesterday, younger dons in gowns cycled over the cobbles towards the imposing neo-Classical facade of the Senate House.

Older fellows arrived clutching a walking stick in one hand and their mortar board in another.

Other graduates, who had travelled from all over Britain – even from Oxford – were more casually attired.

The top-hatted university constables lent them gowns so that all would adhere to the university statutes when voting. Those declaring their support for Blessed tended to be younger, but one don languidly admitted voting for "the actor chap. He would add some real spice to proceedings."

As the only Cambridge graduate among the candidates, Lord Sainsbury, 70, was the only one entitled to vote.

Strolling through Cambridge, he refused to get overexcited by the exit poll findings.

"This election hasn't happened in 165 years, so it's rather difficult to predict," he said.

He welcomed Mr Arain's challenge.

"This is no longer the age of deference. An election is a good thing.

"I don't plan to meet him, but I did look at our proposed site. It's a perfectly good, but I'm no longer the chairman. I have no executive responsibilities."

As voting proceeded at the Senate House, Mr Arain was to be found not in some ivory tower but in 'the spice and rice den' of his Al-Amin store on Mill Road.

He has experience in business and with community groups. But standing by the bags of Madras curry powder, he admitted it would feel "surreal" for a Muslim shopkeeper who came to Britain aged 16 to find himself presiding over ceremonies at an ancient university, steeped in Christian tradition – and with his own page to carry the train of his gown.

"The world is changing," he insisted. "Look at Barack Obama: once an outsider, now a president."

"I hope you do well," said the genteel lady by the Bombay mix. "They are so arrogant at the university. They need opposition."

Then came Ben Walker, 42, now a local bookseller, once a Trinity College mathematician.

"I'm just off to vote for you sir. You do fine work for the community, and the town is being treated like a second-class citizen."

But outside the Senate House, opinion was leaning towards the establishment candidate.

A retired fellow offered the benefit of his experience.

"The university will naturally favour the great and the good. If one wants the ear of Downing Street, Lord Sainsbury would be the most likely to have it."

The contenders

Abdul Arain, 46, Nairobi-born owner of the Al-Amin grocery shop on Mill Road, Cambridge - the campaign’s wild card running on a grassroots ticket.

Qualifications? Alumnus of Anglia Polytechnic, campaigning is to save Cambridge from becoming a “clone town” and to reconnect the university with the local community, of which he is a stalwart member.

Likely voters? Mr Arain claims to have received nominations from academics, professors and clergy. Anyone who doesn’t like Sainsbury’s.

Has said: “There is a disconnect between the university, which is a world-renowned organisation at the forefront of academia, and the community. We need to reconnect town and gown.

"I realise I’m an outsider, but Barack Obama was also once an outsider.”

Brian Blessed, 75, larger than life actor with booming voice, much-admired beard and penchant for mountain climbing and impersonations of Luciano Pavarotti.

Qualifications? Though he left school at 14, Blessed is the clear students’ choice, putting himself forward after a dedicated Facebook campaign by Cambridge students hailing “the man, the myth, the legend that is the actor Brian Blessed”. York University student union recently passed a motion to rename one of its study spaces “The Brian Blessed Centre for Quiet Study”.

Likely voters? Flash Gordon fans, thespians, former members of the Cambridge Footlights, including Stephen Fry who has pledged his support for Blessed. Unfortunately for him, undergraduates who campaign for him can’t vote.

Has said: “If I am chancellor, I will be a servant. I want to rejoice with them [students], lead them, inspire them, I want to be their champion. The chancellor must sweat blood to help people who are underprivileged. For me, Cambridge has always been the centre of the earth, there is a brightness and light there that rivals that on Mount Everest.”

Michael Mansfield QC, 70, millionaire socialist human rights lawyer and keen environmentalist who has represented the Bloody Sunday families, the Birmingham Six and Mohamed Al-Fayed during his career.

Qualifications? Holds a history and philosophy degree from the University of Keele and an honorary doctorate in law from the University of Wolverhampton.

Likely voters? Champagne socialists and the liberal intelligentsia.

Has said: “Education is not a commodity. We are not dealing with a market place where you sell education. That was never how it was meant to be. I do want to say there is another way to do this.”

Lord Sainsbury of Turville, 70, Labour peer and former science minister.

Qualifications? Has Cambridge pedigree with history and psychology degree from Kings’s College, Cambridge. Business heavyweight, chairman of Sainsbury’s from 1992 to 1997. Politically influential with seat in the House of Lords.

Likely voters? Science graduates, anyone hoping for a new Cambridge branch of Sainsbury’s and voters hoping Lord Sainsbury may dip into his estimated £1.3 billion personal fortune to maintain Cambridge’s prestigious spot as one of the top five universities in the world.

Has said: “I have great admiration and affection for the university. I have no personal agenda, and if elected, my sole aim would be to help the university in any way that I can.”

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