Tuesday, November 15, 2011

David Willetts warns over 'striking' university gender gap

Women are much more likely to go to university than men, according to David Willetts. Women are much more likely to go to university than men, according to David Willetts.?Photo: GETTY IMAGES

David Willetts, the Universities Minister, told how just four in 10 men now went on to graduate with a degree compared with half of women.

He said the gulf in educational achievement between men and women was a major challenge for society.

The comment comes amid ongoing concerns over the gender divide.

According to figures, boys fall dramatically behind girls after just a year of school and the divide widens throughout primary and secondary education.

This year, more than 26 per cent of GCSEs taken by girls were graded an A compared with less than 20 per cent of boys’ exams – a record gulf.

Data also shows that women in their 20s now earn, on average, more than men of the same age.

In an interview on Sunday, Mr Willetts said the gap could result in “changes in the pattern of household living” as women become the dominant wage earner.

“There is now a rather striking gap, if we look at the statistics, where it looks as if approximately 50 per cent of women are graduating from university by the time they are 30 and perhaps about 40 per cent of men," he said.

"This is where the sociologists step in and people think through the implications of that but we have got a gap in educational performance here that goes all the way through our schools and universities, and I want to see an improvement in educational opportunities for men and women because it does look as if the challenge we particularly face in our society at the moment is that the boys are lagging behind the girls.”

Speaking to Dermot Murnaghan on Sky News, Mr Willetts added: “It may, in turn, shift balance of earnings between women and men because it connects with what I was saying earlier that, by and large, graduates earn more.

"It may lead to changes in the pattern of household living, so there are some deep questions here and I think these are questions that, as a society, we should focus on."

Research by the Higher Education Policy Institute shows that women now outnumber men at every type of university, including top research institutions and former polytechnics.

They are also more likely to get a 2:1 degree pass and are less likely to drop out.

The changes have already had an impact on women’s earnings potential, it is claimed.

Separate data presented last month by Mary Curnock Cook, the head of the Universities and Colleges Admissions Service, showed that women aged between 22 and 29 now earn just over £10 an hour, compared with less than £10 for men.

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