Friday, November 4, 2011

Executive education: transport minister or chicken farmer, there's a right way to manage

Although most of their students tend to come from the private sector, Ashridge has identified several public-sector areas of work, notably the health service, where enhanced management skills are likely to be in demand.

"Take GPs," says Delwes. "Ten years ago, they would have spent 99 per cent of their time exercising their clinical skills. With the re-organisation of the health service, they are going to have to learn to be managers as well as clinicians, understanding budgets as well as anatomy. Courses like ours can help them achieve that."

If the MBA is a familiar part of the education landscape, and can involve some quite rarefied theoretical study, masters degrees in management have a more practical relevance. "People doing MBS are typically investing in their intended future, whereas those who enrol for degrees in management are investing for the present," says Delwes. "They may have been frustrated by the day-to-day challenges of creating an effective working environment, and want the tools to improve their performance."

The Masters in Management is the first 'virtual’ course offered by Ashridge and, in terms of content, is learning-driven rather than curriculum-driven – in other words, students need to relate their studies to their own working situations, rather than get bogged down in abstract theory.

"A lot of distance learning courses require long, uninterrupted hours in front of a computer," Delwes explains. "We want to vary the mix and get students to apply what they have learnt to their own workplaces, particularly during the special project with which the course concludes."

If Ashridge has identified a lucrative niche in the market, it is not alone. More and more UK universities now offer masters degrees in management, delivered either on campus, through online courses or through educational models which blend the two.

"The MBA may remain the gold standard in business circles, but the value of strategic management skills is increasingly being acknowledged," says Barry Blackham, head of curriculum and student experience at the Derby Business School, part of the University of Derby. "There are just so many people in different stages of their careers who need to be taught to look at problems in the workplace in the round, not just make things up as they go along."

The Derby Business School has a proven track record of delivering online degrees, adding new courses every year. Its MSc in Strategic Management has proven particularly popular in southern Africa, notably Botswana, where there are 45 students enrolled on the course, and Malawi, where there are 80.

Whereas UK students enrolled on the course study entirely online, students in Botswana and Malawi benefit from what Blackham calls "the flying faculty model". Most of the time students have to work on their own, from textbooks or online materials; but two or three times a year, teachers from Derby will fly out to Africa to field questions and deliver face-to-face classes. In countries where internet usage is not widespread, the human touch is often vital in helping students achieve their full potential.

"They are a very mixed lot, and at very different stages in their career," says Blackham. "One of the students is the Malawi Minister of Transport, one of the most senior members of the government. Another is a chicken farmer. NGOs, we have found, are also prepared to fund key staff in their extra-curricular studies. But, if the students have arrived at us via different routes, they all seem to benefit from the course, mainly because it has direct application to their work."

One of the key modules in the course, which typically takes between two and three years, is Decision Analysis, which focuses on long-term strategic planning, particularly its financial aspects. "You’re not going to turn people who are not mathematically gifted into brilliant statisticians," says Blackham. "But what you can do is help them find their way around statistical reports prepared by others, and give them the intellectual confidence to deal with accountants, economic analysts and the like."

And it is not just individual managers and would-be managers benefiting from the new trends in executive education. Large and medium-sized companies are increasingly turning to business schools to help them resolve organisational and managerial issues that would once have been handled in-house.

'Our clients include some of the top FTSE companies, as well as major companies in the USA, Australia, Canada and other countries,’ says Bill Shedden, director of the Centre for Customised Executive Development at the Cranfield School of Management, part of Cranfield University in Hertfordshire, the UK’s only wholly postgraduate university.

Companies which use Cranfield’s services are typically looking for a strategy for developing a cadre of middle and senior managers or for implementing major organisational change. "They don’t expect us to tell them what they do," says Shedden. "They expect us to work with them to come up with solutions that are tailored to their needs. Those solutions, increasingly, will involve such teaching tools as network learning and 'webinars’, where you can work face-to-face with someone on the other side of the world."

A once leisurely world of residential staff colleges and week-long conferences at five-star hotels has been superseded by a much more concentrated form of executive education"Companies are under pressure to show tangible results quickly,’ says Shedden. 'They have also had to cut down on travel costs and are reluctant to let key staff take time off for study purposes."

It is a fast-changing environment and, as Shedden acknowledges, business schools have to learn from the mistakes of the past. "With the emergence of the net, a lot of schools thought e-learning was the future and put a lot of effort into developing appropriate online material. But that’s where they came unstuck. All they were basically offering was sophisticated books which were readable on a computer. But how many senior bankers or businessmen would have the time or inclination to read such books?"

Flexibility is the new by-word, with increasing emphasis on interactive forms of learning. A company in the United States or Australia which deployed Cranfield’s services might start off with a short immersion period, with managers studying podcasts and online material, but after that the group would be as important as the individual in the learning process.

"We recently did a full-blown business simulation with a company in Miami," says Shedden. "The entire exercise was virtual, with nobody having to move from their desks. But it was a huge success in education terms."

In a complex business world, learning the art of good management has never been harder. The good news is that there have probably never been more diverse or innovative ways to teach managers to manage.

Case Study: Joanne Farrugia

Senior manager, Learning and Development at Australia New Zealand (ANZ) Bank in Melbourne, who has overseen the implementation of a Driving Operations Performance Programme delivered by the UK-based Cranfield School of Management.

"ANZ Bank is a fast-expanding company operating in over thirty countries and employing around 45,000 staff. Our aim is to grow our presence in the Asia Pacific region while also focusing on existing business and opportunities in Australia and New Zealand.

In 2009, we identified the need to develop our operations through the creation of an Operations Academy framework and sought an appropriate business school partner to help us deliver that objective. We chose the Cranfield School of Management because of its strong track record in customised executive education and, in particular, because of its expertise in the field of online learning – essential when dealing with a work force as geographically dispersed as ours.

The blended Driving Operations Performance Programme, which Cranfield devised in consultation with us, contained three basic elements: an initial learning phase, in which participants would study articles and podcasts through an online portal; a facilitator-led face-to-face three-day workshop incorporating business simulations and other exercises attuned to a financial context; and a special project, geared to embedding what had previously been learnt and giving it a practical application.

The whole programme took 16 weeks to deliver and we have been running it more or less continuously for the last eighteen months, with cohorts of 20 participants at a time, subdivided into four groups of five. The participants have typically been middle managers from all sections of the bank’s operations.

The beauty of the cohort system, and of the particular learning model devised by Cranfield, is that ANZ staff in Australia have been able to work alongside staff in New Zealand and Asia. This has helped develop strong networks within the ANZ family, with people doing similar jobs thousands of miles apart able to forge strong collaborative solutions to common problems.

One thing we have learnt during the whole process is that it is very important for senior executives at the bank to take an active interest in the programme. Participants who have excelled, and been able to apply what they have learnt to their day-to-day work, have been personally recognised, and we hold special end-of-course ceremonies to underline the importance of the programme to ANZ as a whole.

Our customers have also benefited from our involvement with Cranfield. The special project with which the programme concludes has helped managers within the cohorts re-engineer their customer-facing operations and draw up new strategies for delivering a better service. This has had a healthy knock-on effect, for example in reducing the time it takes our branches to process individual transactions. In a results-driven business like banking, any learning programmes have to deliver outcomes which are clear for all to see – and we like to think we have achieved that."

This article was originally published in the Telegraph, Weekly World Edition

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